Saturday, November 12, 2005

Start Time

This is a forum for my thoughts and some personal projects I am working on. I am a full time Director of Student Ministries in the Tampa Bay Area. I am also a photographer. I left my growing carreer in photography almost 8 years ago to go into student Ministry. I love it. What an amazing ride this has been for me. I've learned a lot, grown a lot, been humbled a lot and had a ton of fun in the process. Outside of having kids, that move into ministry has been the coolest experience of my life.

Photography is becomming a very important part of my life again. When I first left the studio I felt like a fish out of water and spent a lot of time shooting just to feel comfortable in my own skin. As I grew into the ministry the photography end of my life seemed to slide. I was still shooting professionally, but not very often.

In the past 2 years that has changed dramatically. I don't exactly know where God is leading me, but I am willing to follow. I feel like I have a gift that has been given back to me. Now I need to use it.

I'll attach some of my work soon.

In the mean time my website is and you can look there.